Results for list of top 100 sat words and phrases
Here is a list of 100 important SAT vocabulary words and their definitions:
Top 100 SAT Vocabulary Words
Enigma - a mystery; hard to understand or explain
Apathy - lack of emotion or interest
Candor - frankness; honesty
Reticent - restrained; uncommunicative
Aesthetic - concerning art or beauty
Ascetic - without indulgence or luxuries
Autonomy - self-rule; independence
Disdain - contempt
Innocuous - harmless; insignificant
Banal - commonplace; dull; ordinary
Ambiguous - unclear; undecided
Anarchy - lack of government; chaos
Ameliorate - to improve
Atrophy - to waste away from lack of use
Innovate - to make changes; to modernize
Servile - overly submissive; cringing
Extol - to praise
Augment - to add to; increase
Benevolent - kindly; to wish well
Derision - contempt; ridicule
Disparity - inequality
Flagrant - glaringly wrong; conspicuously faulty
Indolence - laziness
Acquiesce - to give in; agree
Prodigal - extravagant; wasteful
Capricious - whimsical; unpredictable
Prosaic - commonplace; uninspired; dull
Austere - severe; strict
Complacent - smug; self-satisfied
Compliance - conforming to a request or demand
Dubious - doubtful
Ephemeral - short-lived; fleeting
Inevitable - unavoidable; bound to happen
Insipid - bland; boring
Obscure - unclear; clouded; partially hidden
Depravity - corruption; wickedness
Discern - to distinguish one thing from another
Expedite - to quicken
Peripheral - on the edge; unimportant
Taciturn - quiet; uncommunicative; silent
Apprehensive - fearful; worried
Fastidious - finicky; overly critical
Novel - new; interesting
Parsimony - stinginess
Provincial - narrow-minded; unsophisticated
Respite - a break; a rest
Anecdote - a brief, humorous story
Pedestrian - commonplace; ordinary
Acumen - keen insight; shrewdness
Adversity - hardship; misfortune
Ambivalent - having mixed feelings about something
Camaraderie - trust and friendship among people
Censure - to express severe disapproval
Coherent - logical and consistent
Compassion - sympathetic concern for others
Compromise - an agreement reached by mutual concession
Condescending - having a superior attitude toward others
Convergence - the process of coming together
Deleterious - causing harm or damage
Digression - a temporary departure from the main subject
Diligent - showing care and effort in one's work
Divergent - tending to be different or develop in different directions
Empathy - the ability to understand and share others' feelings
Erudite - having or showing great knowledge or learning
Exemplary - serving as a desirable model
Frugal - economical with regard to money or food
Galvanize - to shock or excite someone into taking action
Hypothesis - a proposed explanation made on limited evidence
Impetuous - acting quickly without thought or care
Integrity - honesty and strong moral principles
Intuitive - based on what one feels to be true without reasoning
Longevity - long life
Mundane - lacking interest or excitement; dull
Novice - a person new to or inexperienced in a field
Ominous - giving the impression something bad will happen
Ostentatious - characterized by vulgar or pretentious display
Perfidious - deceitful and untrustworthy
Precocious - having developed abilities at an earlier age than usual
Prosperity - the state of being prosperous; wealth
Provocative - causing annoyance or strong reaction
Prudent - acting with care and thought for the future
Querulous - complaining in a petulant manner
Reclusive - avoiding the company of others; solitary
Reconciliation - the restoration of friendly relations
Resilient - able to recover quickly from difficulties
Spurious - false or fake; not genuine
Superfluous - unnecessary, especially through being more than enough
Surreptitious - kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of
Tactful - having sensitivity in dealing with others or difficult issues
Tenacious - persistent; determined
Transient - lasting only for a short time
Venerable - accorded respect, especially because of age or wisdom
Adamant - refusing to change one's mind
Adept - very skilled or proficient at something
Admonish - to warn or reprimand someone firmly
Adroit - clever or skillful
Affable - friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to
Alacrity - brisk and cheerful readiness
Altruistic - showing a disinterested and selfless concern for others
Amalgamate - combine or unite to form one organization or structure